Unveiling The Mystery Of Purple Betta Fish

Purple Betta Fish, Legendary Fish, or A Real-Life Beauties?

Purple betta fish in his natural habitat

The purple fighting fish has captured the attention of many aquarium enthusiasts with its stunning and captivating coloration. But, is the purple betta fish real or just a myth?

In this article, we will explore the origins of these fish and whether they are truly legendary creatures or real-life beauties. we’re gonna cover some important stuff and answer some FAQs you might have.

First up, let’s talk about the reasons behind the purple color of our pet betta and breeding those gorgeous purple bettas. Plus, we’re gonna introduce you to 9 different types of purple bettas and give you some super purple tips for taking care of ’em.

Table of Contents 🦑

Why Some Betta Fish Purple?

So, I heard you were curious about why betta fish can be purple.

The purple coloration in betta fish is a result of betta genetics and selective breeding by enthusiasts, by carefully choosing which betta fish to breed based on their coloration, breeders can create new color variations and patterns, including the striking purple color seen in some bettas. which has also led to the development of many different colors and patterns in these fabulous fish.

If we speak scientifically, it all comes down to these little things called chromatophores, they’re like little pigment cells in the skin of the betta fish, and they’re responsible for all the amazing colors and patterns you see on their bodies.

One special chromatophore is called “Iridophore”, this dude is the one in charge of the super cool purple color that we all love. It’s found in the top layer of the skin and has a bunch of tiny reflective plates arranged like a crystal lattice. When light hits those plates, it bounces around and creates that amazing purple hue that we can’t get enough of. It’s like rare magic!

Why are Purple Bettas Such a Rare Fish Anyway? Let's Find Out!

Have you ever wondered why a pure purple Siamese fighting fish is so rare? Well, it’s a pretty interesting story! You see, bettas have been bred for centuries by enthusiasts who want to create new and unique colorations and patterns.

However, the purple coloration in bettas is quite rare because it’s a more difficult color to achieve through selective breeding. It takes a lot of time and effort to get that perfect shade of true purple betta fish, and not all betta breeders are up to the task.

Additionally, some betta genetics simply don’t lend themselves to producing purple offspring. So, while it’s not impossible to find a pure purple betta, they are harder to come by compared to other colorations. But, when you do find this rare betta fish, it’s truly a sight to behold!

How Much Does a Purely Purple Betta Fish Cost?

The cost of a true purple betta fish can vary depending on where you purchase it and the quality of the fish. on average, a healthy and good quality purple Betta Fish can cost anywhere from $20 to $50.

However, if you are looking for a rare or unique variety of purple betta fish, the price can be much higher. It’s important to buy from reputable breeders, fish owners, or pet stores to ensure that you are getting healthy and well-cared-for fish.

Keep in mind that the cost of the fish is just one factor to consider when getting betta as a pet, remember to consider also factors in the cost of setting up an aquarium with all the necessary equipment and food included to maintain a suitable habitat for your betta.

How Long Do Purple Betta Fish Live?

fortune teller purple betta fish

Wondered how long those mesmerizing purple Betta Fish can live? Well, it turns out that their lifespan can vary quite a bit depending on a few factors. On average, a healthy betta fish can live for about 2 to 5 years. However, with proper care and attention, some bettas have been known to live up to 7 years or more!

So, if you’re thinking about getting this purple fish as a pet, make sure to provide them with suitable habitat, proper nutrition, and plenty of love and attention to help them thrive and live a long and happy life.

Purple Bettas Breeding Tips.

Breeding purple bettas can be a tricky and challenging task, especially for new fish keepers that require a lot of effort and knowledge about this tropical fish.

It’s not as easy as just breeding two different colors and hoping for pure purple betta babies. Even if you breed red and blue bettas together, the result may not be a true purple betta.

It’s uncertain which exact red and blue bettas were bred to create the rare and beautiful purple betta. If you want to ensure you have a true purple betta, shining different types of light on them will not change their color at all. So, breeding purple bettas takes patience, practice, a little bit of luck, and a willingness to experiment.

It’s important to avoid stressing out your fish by forcing them to breed too much. Remember, part of being a responsible fish owner is letting your fish live their lives.

So if you a first time fish breeder, take some effort to learn about breeding bettas, male bettas’ behavior before mating, and unique attributes.

breeding these beautiful fish can be tricky because they can be very aggressive toward each other, so, you’ll need to watch them carefully to make sure they don’t start attacking each other.

Choose the Best Pair for Breeding Purple Betta Fish

If you want to breed Betta fish successfully, it’s important to choose healthy male and female Bettas who are between 4-12 months old.

Before breeding, you should consider the colors of the parents and consult the Betta color chart to find the right match. To determine the best possible match between the Bettas, genetic data can also be helpful.

Additionally, you should consider the tail types of potential mother Bettas and how they could influence the appearance of their offspring. half moon tail shape is the most commonly used tail type.

Use the Best Equipment for Breeding Purple Betta Fish

To breed purple bettas, you’ll need to have a tank specifically for breeding, the minimum tank size for breeding betta fish is about 10 gallons or larger with clean water and a divider, to keep the male betta fish and the female betta fish separate at first.

Add some moss and Indian Almond leaves for the male to create a nest for bubbles. when the male becomes brighter and the female becomes darker, it’s usually a sign that they’re ready to mate. But watch them closely to make sure they don’t start attacking each other.

Once the babies are hatched, take the male out so he doesn’t harm them.

Purple Bettas: Cool Tips for Successful Breeding!

Some professional breeders keep their secrets close when it comes to breeding purple bettas, as the rarity of the fish can be of financial gain.

However, there have been some successful attempts at breeding them, using a red female with a royal blue male betta. It’s all about experimenting and seeing what works!

Overall, The true purple betta fish is an exceptional and extraordinary addition to your fish tank. Despite being a beautiful and captivating species, breeding them can be challenging due to their intricate genetic makeup.

It may take some time and effort to achieve your desired outcome, but with patience and perseverance, you can successfully breed them.

9 Special Varieties of Purple Fighting Fish

blue purple betta illustration

The purple betta fish is truly a stunning fish species that never fails to capture the attention of fish enthusiasts and admirers alike.

With its mesmerizing shades of purple and contrasting colors, the purple betta fish is a stunning fish that is often sought after by aquarists looking to add a touch of elegance to their tanks. From deep and rich hues to lighter shades of lavender, there are various types of purple betta fish to choose from, each with its own unique and captivating beauty.

With their flowing fins and graceful swimming movements, watching these fish in their underwater world is truly mesmerizing.

What Kind of Purple Bettas Are There?

For all the betta enthusiasts out there, I’ve got an exciting list of 9 of the most gorgeous purple betta fish you’ll ever lay your eyes on, Get ready to be mesmerized!

Orchid Betta Fish

also known as Lavender Betta is one of the most amazing fish you’ll ever lay your eyes on. With their delicate, pastel coloration, they add a touch of elegance to any aquarium. These fish are a joy to watch as they gracefully swim through the water, with their long, flowing fins trailing behind them like a ballroom gown.

Did you know that lavender bettas are a type of pastel betta? These bettas have a soft lavender color that looks beautiful under aquarium lights.

Purple Dragon Betta

The Purple Dragon Betta fish is one of the most striking betta fish you’ll ever see Its shimmering purple scales and striking dragon-like appearance make it a fan favorite.

Did you know that the Purple Dragon Betta fish is a genetically engineered breed that was created by selectively breeding different types of bettas? This process involves cross-breeding between different betta fish strains to create a unique look.

Despite their unconventional origins, Purple Dragon Betta fish are just as hardy and easy to care for as other bettas.

Purple Gas Betta fish

also known as iridescent or metallic bettas are a sight to behold!

Their shimmering scales reflect the light like tiny mirrors, making them look like they are glowing. These stunning fish are known for their metallic sheen, which is a result of the reflective layer of guanine crystals in their scales.

Fun fact: The guanine crystals not only give the Metallic Purple Betta their unique color but also make their scales stronger and more durable, helping to protect them from predators in the wild.

Royal Purple Betta

The Royal Purple Betta Fish is a majestic beauty that will leave you in awe.

Their deep, rich purple color exudes elegance and royalty, making them stand out in any tank. the Royal Purple Betta Fish can change its color according to its mood and surroundings depending on the light and water conditions, their color intensity can vary from a deep purple to a lighter shade.

With their graceful fins and stunning appearance, the Royal Purple Betta Fish is a gem in the fish world.

Violet Betta

Violet Betta is simply mesmerizing with their stunning coloration that ranges from deep violet to blueish-purple hues.

One interesting fact about them is that their coloration can change based on their mood or environment. When they are happy and healthy, their violet hues become even more vibrant and intense. It’s like having a mood ring for a pet fish! These beautiful fish are great for beginners and experienced aquarists alike.

Dumbo Lavender Bettas

Dumbo Lavender Bettas are a stunning and unique type of Betta fish that have oversized pectoral fins, giving them a distinct and adorable appearance.

These Betta fish are known for their beautiful lavender color and can sometimes have hints of blue or pink in their fins.

One interesting fact about Dumbo Lavender Betta fish is that they are quite active and love to explore their environment. They are often seen swimming around their tank, checking out their decorations, and interacting with their owners. These lively and playful fish are a joy to watch.

Purple Halfmoon Betta

Purple Halfmoon Betta is a stunning and vibrant fish that has a unique personality.

These fish are known for their large fins that resemble a half-moon, and their bright purple color makes them stand out in any aquarium. These bettas are also known for their aggressive behavior and can be very territorial.

Purple Salamander Betta

Purple Salamander Betta is a stunning fish with a unique coloration. Their body features a mix of purple, white, and black spots, making them look like little underwater salamanders.

Interestingly, this species gets its name from the Chinese mythological creature known as a salamander, which is believed to be associated with fire and has regenerative powers.

In the fish tank, Purple Salamander Bettas are active swimmers, and sure to captivate anyone who watches them.

Purple Popsicle Betta

The Purple Popsicle Betta fish is a stunning variety of purple betta fish species. Its bright, bold purple coloration is reminiscent of a frozen grape popsicle, hence its name.

Purple Betta Fish Care

illustration of a blue purple betta

So you’ve got yourself a gorgeous purple betta fish, huh? Well, get ready to be amazed by this little creature’s unique personality and stunning appearance. Betta fish require a bit of attention and care but don’t worry, it’s not too difficult.

Understanding The Natural Habitat of The Betta Fish

Let’s start with the basics, the purple betta fish, also known as the purple Siamese fighting fish, is native to Southeast Asia. In the wild, they can be found in shallow ponds, rice paddies, and slow-moving streams. They are known for their territorial behavior and are often referred to as wild bettas. These tropical fish thrive in warm water with a temperature range between 76-82°F (24-28°C).

In their natural habitat, purple fighting fish can display an array of colors and patterns, which vary depending on their environment and diet. Despite being popular as pets, these beautiful fish are endangered in the wild due to habitat loss and overfishing.

Purple Betta's Favorit Food & Snacks

Feeding your purple betta fish can be quite an adventure! These little guys have a big appetite, and they’re not picky eaters.

You can feed them with some freeze-dried or flake food, they love gobbling up some delicious brine shrimp or blood worms. These tasty treats are like candy for bettas, and they’ll do anything to get their fins on them, watching your betta chase after a piece of brine shrimp is like watching a high-speed chase scene in a movie, and when they finally catch their prey, they’ll savor every bite, like a gourmet meal.

So if you want to keep your purple betta happy and healthy, make sure you have a steady supply of dedicated High-quality betta fish food.

Create the right captivity habitat for your Purple Betta Pet.

A Betta’s tank is their sanctuary, their oasis of calm and serenity. Creating a beautiful and functional tank for your purple betta is like designing a luxurious home that meets all their needs.

Tank size

A Betta’s tank is their sanctuary, their oasis of calm and serenity. Creating a beautiful and functional tank for your purple betta is like designing a luxurious home that meets all their needs.

Water Quality

The water should be crystal clear with a pH level of 6.5 to 7.5 and kept at a temperature between 78-82 degrees Fahrenheit. Remember to add a heater and filter to keep the water warm and clean. Lastly, add light to bring out the beautiful colors of your purple betta.

With all these elements in place, your purple betta’s tank will be a place of comfort and joy for them to thrive in!

Make Your Purple Betta Fish a Fashionable Home.

Your purple betta deserves a fun and stylish home, so it’s important to decorate their tank accordingly!

Plants and Decorations

Add live plants to give your betta some privacy and places to hide, live plants such as java fern, marimo moss balls or anubias are great options and they also produce Oxygen in the water tank, fake plants on the other hand are not recommended because they can harm the betta’s fins, but if you do want some artificial plants, just use silk plants, this fin-friendly material is delicate and can add colors to the tank, these will give your betta a place to retreat when feeling shy or stressed.

Adding some aquarium-safe decorations, such as a castle or sunken ship ornaments, can also make the tank look more interesting, Just make sure they’re not too sharp or dangerous for your betta.

Eye-catching Substrate

You’ll need to choose a substrate that will cover the bottom of the tank. Gravel with a fluttering color for a purple betta fish is a great option, but sand or even small rocks can also work well and will make your tank looks more natural.

Hypnotic bubbles Stone.

Consider adding a bubble stone or other type of aquarium air pump to the water and create a fun and calming Oxygenied ambiance for your purple betta.

Decorating your fish pet tank is a great way to show them some love! Adding a substrate to your aquarium can make it look more natural and appealing. live plants not only add to the aesthetics of the tank but also provide hiding spots and natural Oxygen for your betta.

Remember to use fish-safe decorations ensuring they’re not sharp or dangerous. With these tips, your betta will have a comfortable home to thrive in!

purple fighting fish

Purple betta fish Tank Mates

A purple betta fish can make a great addition to a fish tank community, but it’s important to carefully consider potential tank size and mates. While bettas can be aggressive towards other fish, there are some options for peaceful coexistence.

Some great tank mates for purple bettas include neon tetras, guppies, and cory catfish. These fish are small, colorful, and active, making them great companions for your betta. It’s important to choose fish that have similar water temperature and pH requirements to your betta, so be sure to do your research beforehand.

With the right mix of fish in your community tank, your purple betta can live a happy and fulfilling life alongside other fish friends.

In Conclusion

Bettas are beautiful and unique fish that can brighten up any tank. When setting up a new home for your betta, remember to provide them with enough room to swim around, keep the water clean and of a suitable temperature, and add live plants for hiding spots and Oxygenated water.


As our article comes to an end, We want to Thank you for reaching this far.


We hope you enjoyed this article about the world of purple betta fish. We hope we were able to provide you with some valuable information that you can use to take better care of your beloved bettas or perhaps even inspire you to start your betta fish collection.


We wish you and your finned friends all the best!

Alonso López

Alonso López

Delighted to have you here at BettaReef! This place is a treasure trove of knowledge about Betta fish, Betta Care, Health, Gear, and much more from the wonders of aquatic life. My journey in this fascinating world began when I was just 8, and now, as a seasoned hobbyist, I’m here to help fellow Betta enthusiasts create a thriving Betta environment for a healthy life.

I’m committed to delivering high-quality content, backed by a stringent editorial process. Each product review is based on real-life usage and practical analysis, ensuring that you get insights and advice that truly matter.

🤿 More about Alonso López

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